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I find this game interesting, I'd like to download but it's clearly abandoned what happen to the author?


This game looks interesting, but it looks abandoned too, this makes me conflicted in wether I should download it or not

so when do we see the new update?


Good start ! Do you still working on this game ? :3

hey sounds like a really nice start ! I'm looking forward to see what's next. btw discord link don't work :(

Very good and interesting start. The main problem with the language is the errors in pronouns. You use the wrong gender many times, he instead of she, she instead of he, and it when referring to a person. Otherwise the English is pretty good. Thanks for the game, I'm sure it will be fun!

I can't seem to save images in this game. It just makes an error come up.


Thanks for letting me know, I'm trying to solve it <3

Thanks. It's pretty interesting so far.